Raytown Police to Host Tweet-along November 6
Raytown, MO – On Friday night, November 6, 2015, from 6:00 to 10:00 PM, the Raytown Police Department will host a virtual ride along, or "tweet-along,” on its Twitter account, @RaytownPD. Viewers will “patrol” with one of Raytown Police’s “Night Squads.”
Ride with a patrol officer, virtually, by following the Raytown Police Department on Twitter, at @RaytownPD. Anyone that has ever wanted to go on a police ride along, or just wanted a peek into the night of a Raytown Police patrol officer, is encouraged to follow along. Tweet-alongs offer an opportunity for everyone to get a glimpse into police work. Tweet-alongs are convenient alternatives for those that are unable, or do not wish, to actually ride with an officer.

The Raytown Police Department invites everyone to follow @RaytownPD on Twitter, every day, for real-time information and news.